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Bernard Sanvoisin's welcome

Introducing a brief overview of the topics which preoccupy Bernard Sanvoisin in his work as employee, consultant and colleague. Those are part of a snapshot of the daily work he has encountered and how to handle the complexity of software and system architecture created within a team. Reading those few pages gives the visitor an overview of the mindset Bernard has.

Creating software is a marathon where the steps are the lines of code. A strategy to sustain the pace and reach the goal must be defined and be followed daily. Tactical decision to solve uprising challenges have to be wisely determined. For each feature the implementation has to follow the architecture, for each data a programmer has to verify if this data follows the right path along the vertical slice. For each horizontal slice, the architect has to ensure that its high in the vertical structure is optimal. For distributed architecture the timing and communication of the data load is crucial. This boils down to rethinking and questioning merely each line of code while writing it.

If there is a wish to discuss or collaborate on topics or publications, the contact formular can be used to address a request. For professional requests Bernard Sanvoisin at Xing please use